Healthy sex and vaginal rejuvenation social norms

Healthy sex and vaginal rejuvenation social norms

The Influence of Journalists 1. Healthy sex and vaginal rejuvenation social norms2. The Only Thing That Needs Rejuvenating Is the Way We Talk About Vaginas and Vulvas3. The phrase ‘vaginal rejuvenation’ is marketing propaganda – NOT!!!4. But odds are your vulva...
All-Party Parliamentary Group on Women’s Health

All-Party Parliamentary Group on Women’s Health

Earlier this week, Emma Soos, managing director of The Women’s Health Clinic attended the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Women’s Health and gave an insight into our petition and the struggle to raise awareness of new and beneficial treatments in the media...
Showbiz Vaginal Rejuvenation

Showbiz Vaginal Rejuvenation

Celebrity Vagina – Why is it always in the News? Its 2022 and the “Vagina” is still a taboo subject and one would be forgiven for thinking that a vaginal treatment is no longer something that grabs headlines, sells tabloids and more disappointing of all pushes the...
Healthy sex and vaginal rejuvenation social norms

FDA warning – Vaginal Rejuvenation

The Women’s Health Clinic (TWHC) agrees with U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warning – “Vaginal Rejuvenation” and potential health risk Vaginal rejuvenation procedures are becoming more popular to relieve painful sex, dryness and stress incontinence. There is...

02 May 2018

We love it when our patients get results that they just want to shout about. After her appearance on This Morning last year, Lyndsey Hiatt has been watched almost 130,000 times on YouTube! Gina caught up with her to see what’s happened in the last...